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In the fall and winter, we host seminars where you as a CompuSoft customer are welcome to sign up and thus stay up-to-date with your CompuSoft IT-solution.
You can also order company-tailored workshops, where we tailor the content to your company and address exactly the topics you and your employees want to learn more about.

Stay up-to-date with new features

Seminars and theme days

Stay up-to-date with new features

Debate and networking

Intro-seminar for new camp managers

Basic introduction to the booking system

Your booking system is constantly evolving

New features in the booking system, new products, and new possibilities.

Individual workshops for you and your team

Put together your own workshop where we immerse ourselves in your booking solution..

Advisory Boards

Do you want to help us with inspiration and ideas for the IT-solutions of the future?


During the fall and winter we host exciting webinars 

CompuSoft Academy

Here you can read newsletters, news, and articles